Thursday, November 11, 2010

I'll Tell You a Secret

Last Sunday some good friends, David and Cindy, brought us dinner.  We had a few minutes to visit and reminisce about summers spent at baseball fields.  Cindy then complimented me on this blog and my writing.  I had to confess my secret to her then and I will confess to you now that I almost failed Freshman Composition in college.  The teacher did not like anything I wrote, sent me to writer's lab, and encouraged me to drop the class.  I stuck it out because I just could not see going through the pain and suffering again.  Honestly, most of my life I have not had the talent and rarely the desire to write much more than "Happy Birthday" in a card. 

Why is it important for you to know this?  Because I want you to know that I can not take credit for this blog.  I can't explain how the day after I was diagnosed with lung cancer, the desire hit me to start writing.   This has to be a God thing.  I have asked God that some good come out of this cancer, and suddenly I have this platform.  Some of the topics I write about come to me in the middle of the night, others while I am laying on a table being treated or tested.  Some topics are almost completely written as soon as the idea comes and others take a few days to think through.  I am never quite sure where a blog will go sometimes but trust that God will give me the words I need.  Each time I post I pray that God will use the blog to touch someone in a special way.  I enjoy when people leave comments or send me e-mails because that means prayers are being answered.  

Finally, let me say that I have always felt that God has a plan in all of this.  The fact that I am writing this blog convinces me of this.  I am not sure where the plan will lead but know that God will use this for good.  I do not know for how long God will give me this platform but know that I will continue to use it for for as long as He allows me to do so.  I never thought that the plan would include writing a blog but reminds me to always be open to where God wants to lead.

Thanks again for stopping by.

1 comment:

  1. Brett and Heather CrombieJuly 1, 2012 at 1:25 PM

    I was gonna wait until I was done reading to comment....but I feel this particular blog has led me to repond :) my neighbor gave us your card from a cancer support group she went to last week. My husband is 36 and diagnosed with satge 4 lung cancer as well. A non smoking healthy christian with 2 boys as well. He is in bed right now sleeping and nausea from 4th round of chemo at MDA Friday. Just started reading your blog today. I am glad that you talked about your fears and frustrations....that is real. Noone going through this needs to hear only the "joy" in the trial. Also be sure....the Lord has planned for us to read this all along! It helped him when I read this to him know that some REALLY knew what that was like. We live in Little Elm and hope to meet you one day. In the meantime...we will continue to read the end of your story....which is really the begining...because I know you have been healed! Praise God! Thanks for writing this!
